Roz Morris

Came across this article and felt an immediate kinship with this author. As my writer peeps know, I’ve been planning to release my story(s) in serialized form, as “episodes”. Here’s the story of someone who did just that:

Tips for Dividing Your Novel for Serialisation
by Roz Morris

Although she sounds like much more of a planner than I am (writing-wise), she seems to have had a great experience with releasing her novel in four pieces. Very encouraging!

She also has a great article on her website about quality control in indie publishing. Good stuff.

Stay inspired and keep writing, peeps!


rozmorris @dirtywhitecandy · at

Hello Teddi – a little bird from WordPress told me you’d mentioned one of my posts, so I hopped over. Delighted you were inspired by my post and best of luck with your serialisation!

    Teddi · at

    Thanks, Roz! I enjoyed your whole “Nail Your Novel” concept. Love hearing from authors on the other side of the pond. Some things are the same no matter where you go.

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