
I suppose most people would announce the release of an ebook on the day it actually came out, but I’ve never been one for following the crowd. Given that my marketing plan as an indie author involves writing a lot more before I focus on promoting my work, the release of my first story was really rather anti-climactic, anyway. More of a fun project for kicks than a serious attempt at world domination. Like sticking my toe into the giant pool of publishing.

That said, I felt like talking about my story today, so here I am.

So is it a book or what?

You may notice that I’ve been saying “story” and not “book” or “novel”. That’s because the story clocks in at about 17,000 words — just short of novella length and nowhere near the length of a full novel.

The Author Collector was a fun story to write. This story is more along the lines of Ray Bradbury’s or Arthur C. Clarke’s collections of shorter works. It’s long for a “short story” but just about right to read in one sitting if you have a couple of hours. It is only available in ebook format at the moment. It’s free for Kindle Unlimited subscribers.

The story blurb (“back cover copy”, as it were)

Over 100 years in the future, authors still face the same struggles. Two years after his son is born, Andy Kingston gives up his writing dream and takes drastic action to support his family: he lies to his wife and arranges an interview for a government job. When he is kidnapped and then held in a baffling prison environment, he’ll do anything and everything to escape and return home. But Andy will face choices no man — and no author — should ever have to make.
A psychological thriller set in a dystopian future, this story is for readers and authors alike. If you have ever loved books, loved writing or loved your family, it will prompt the question: What would you do if the Author Collector took you?

More to come…

I’ve got some fun background info to share about the birth of the idea, the writing of the story, the development of the cover and the process of putting it out with Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) program. There may even be some hints about a sequel or longer version of the story, since there are some things that happen to Andy after the story ends that I’d love to explore some day. That will be coming up in future posts!


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