Looking forward to seeing my publishing peeps at the Mount Hermon Christian Writers Conference.

When we’re in these last couple of days before the conference, sometimes it’s tempting to stress out. Stay up late, trying to get a bunch of last minute items done. Agonize over manuscripts and proposals and queries not finished. Lament over elevator pitches that still sound like lame pickup lines.

But I say, “No! Stop it right there!”

Don’t let these last few days be full of worry, anxiety and stress. Take a deep breath, and let it out. Do it again.

And remember why we’re there.

Because we believe in God. Because we want to share what we feel in our hearts with our writing. Because we trust that He has a plan and that somehow we will learn something, meet someone and be inspired and encouraged and equipped to do what He has called us to do.

The time for doing all the hard work was in the past two months — not the two days before the conference. Right now, sit down and brainstorm what items MUST be done, and what CAN be done. Don’t wreck your health right before an intensive five day conference. Not a good plan.

Set aside the things you wanted to do but didn’t get to. If possible, bring some of them along to work on and print out at the conference (yes, you can do that!). Take time out to pray and lay all your concerns and dreams and desires before your Creator and the Source of your inspired writing. Ask Him what tracks and workshops to take. Relax and open your mind to the idea that just BEING at the conference will bring beautiful opportunities.

Prepare your heart to just be yourself. To share your dreams with an open hand — open to the possibility that someone else might also get excited about your ideas, but not demanding it. Keep the eyes and ears of your heart open. And be ready to soak it all in.

How to Arrive Refreshed

During the drive or flight to the conference, put on worship music or audiobooks that inspire you. Or share the drive with other writers and encourage each other and pray for each other.

Arrive full of love, and peace and grace and hope.

And you’ll have a wonderful time.

Works for me, anyway. *wink*


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