Signs of Fall

At long last, signs that autumn is taking hold, here in the Sacramento Valley of California!

It is afternoon, and though the sun is out these dewdrops remain in the grass of my front lawn. Scattered like glinting rainbow stars throughout the faded green grass, they promise me that cooler weather is finally here.

The seasons of the year come and go, and the seasons of life are the same. Youth and young single-hood. Young married life, married with children. Grand-parenthood and retirement. And there are other seasons scattered throughout or independent of those common family-based phases.

Naivete and idealism. Maturity and cynicism. Creative productivity and progression. Renewed hope and passionate pursuit of — something.

What season are you in?

Have you been searching for something for a long time, and perhaps drawing near your goal? Are you beginning a quest?

I feel I am in transition, struggling to find my feet in a quagmire of wonderful choices. So many worthy things that draw my attention, so many opportunities at my fingertips. My children are of an age to soak up knowledge and experiences. The Internet and e-publishing has come of an age to be accessible to all who have the skills (as I do). Renewed desire and understanding of the joys of a simpler lifestyle have opened up wondrous time-suckers like gardening, canning, making foods from scratch.

During this change of seasons, I pray that you may get your bearing, find your feet, and go far on the road you are traveling. Godspeed, my friends.




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