December weather is no obstacle to surfers in Santa Cruz, California. They have their wet suits, their boards, and they’ll get to the water and find the waves.

 Start ’em Young

We were on a promontory watching some surfers out in the waves, and this kid — maybe 12-14 years old — comes padding up barefoot with his board and starts climbing down the steep cliff to a rocky shelf. He continues out to the end of the shelf, times the approach of a wave and leaps into the ocean. Obviously, he’d done this before. He was completely comfortable doing something fantastic, like it was no big thing.

No matter your age, no matter your size or shape, there is something you enjoy doing that could become an inspiration to those around you. And with practice and experience, one day you may be doing something that’s no big thing to you, but which others find amazing. What’s your thing? Don’t have one? It’s never too late — or early — to find something. And once you find it, and you get out there doing it, you’ll find that you’re not alone.

There’s a lesson in here somewhere. No matter the weather, no matter the rocks, or the leaps of faith to get where you’re going, do what it takes to follow your dreams.

Bonus: Free Facebook Cover “Take the Leap”

Free Facebook Cover - "Take the Leap"

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* All images copyright © 2015 Teddi Deppner. All rights reserved. Free Facebook cover download for personal, unmodified, non-commercial use only.

1 Comment

Katie · at

Love it. Thanks for taking the time to share these photos. I really like the first with the boy going down the hill into the water. Super cool.

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